Sunday, June 9, 2013

B.E.S.T. Breakfast Sandwiches

I happened to have some left over bacon and was trying to think of what to use it for.  My initial thought was to use it for B.L.T's. My second thought was a bacon and egg sandwich.  Which one to choose, which one to choose...  Why not combine them both?   This is what I came up with, below.  I swapped out spinach for the lettuce as I thought spinach would go a little better with a warm egg sandwich, and it also gave me a great acronym: B.E.S.T. breakfast sandwich = Bacon, Egg, Spinach and Tomato breakfast sandwich.  That works, right?  Hope you enjoy this sandwich, which in my mind works well for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

B.E.S.T. Sandwich
Makes: 2 Sandwiches

4 slices bread or 2 English muffins
4 slices bacon
2 eggs
2 handfuls of spinach
2 slices tomato
Mayo or ketchup, optional

Cook the bacon and then drain it on paper towels while you prepare the other sandwich components.  Once it's cool, cut each slice in half.  

Then cook the two eggs however you wish.   I prefer my eggs over hard when making egg sandwiches. 
While the eggs are cooking, toast the bread slices and chop up the spinach and tomato. Once toasted, lightly spread mayo or ketchup on two of the slices, if desired.  Next layer on the bacon, eggs, spinach and tomato slices. Cut each sandwich in half, diagonally and serve. Enjoy!

xoxo Melissa

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