Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spinach & Red Pepper Quesadilla

When I was a junior in college, I had a group of male neighbors who had a quesadilla maker, which I found to be hilarious. I mean, how hard is it to make a quesadilla in a frying pan?  For Christmas that year, as a joke, my mom got me the very same quesadilla maker. However, I've found it's actually a fun cooking appliance to have, even though it doesn't always get used when I make quesadillas.  It has spurred me to come up with more creative quesadilla recipes though.  This one is more of a Greek quesadilla.  I encourage you to come up with your own fun non-traditional quesadilla recipes too!

Spinach & Red Pepper Quesadilla
Serves: 2

4 medium, Whole Wheat Tortillas
1/2 cup frozen chopped Spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 cup Roasted Red Pepper, diced
3/4 cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbs Feta Cheese
Place a large, shallow frying pan over medium heat. Let it pre-heat for about 2 minutes while you assemble your quesadilla. To start, lay two flour tortillas each on their own large plate. Start to layer on the ingredients. I put about half of the cheese down first, then the spinach, red pepper, feta and end with the rest of the mozzarella. I like to start and end with the mozzarella cheese so the tortillas have something to stick to.
Top with the other tortilla half. And place in the pre-heated pan.

Let it cook for about 2 minutes and then once the bottom is browned flip to the other side. I first press down on the top a bit to help it all stick together and then use a spatula to help me flip it over. Let the second side cook for about another 2 minutes. Repeat with second set of tortillas.

Flip the finished quesadilla onto a plate once both sides are browned.  Let it cool for a minute or two.

Cut it into pieces and you're done! It was that easy!

xoxo Melissa

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